Saturday, March 1, 2008


Marilyn Lowers- Mother
The American dream is the promise that all who live in the United States have a reasonable chance to achieve success as they understand it (material or otherwise) through their own efforts and resources. I believe I have achieved some success in life due to my education, hard work, good timing, and dumb luck. The old adage of ‘its not what you know it is who you know”, is true. Those folks who are well heeled and well connected generally have an easier time at personal and financial success. Most days I feel I have worked diligently but hard work alone does not guarantee success.

Rob Lowers- Father

My American dream is to be secure, work hard and to contribute to the community. I achieved this dream by working hard and unwavering pursuit of my goals. America is one of the few places in this World that somebody with modest backgrounds, "working class" can be anything they want to be, anything they work for. For me I have the opportunity to have a stable job, attend work everyday; as well as being able to own a home and live securely and do not have to worry about how I am going to have to pay my bills or feed my family.

Chuck Lowers- Grandfather
Being raised in a small blue collar town outside of Pittsburgh, where few even dream of going to college. I had the gift at being talented at football, then earned a scholarship to college. I was able to obtain this dream by working hard both academically and on the field; and during my summer break working in the mines. After graduation I pursued a job in the corporate World. Relying on my work ethics (and a few good investments) I worked my way up through management to the point that now, I own my own business and live a very comfortable life style.


Ms. Micallef said...


That is a very moving video/song - really makes you think WOW - I would like if you would write a reflection or rationale for viewers to read prior to viewing th video - maybe explaining how this is an extension to the interviews of the american dream - not that it furthers anyone's story who you interviewed - but rather that in your mind - it extends some aspect (it must or you would not have chosen it).

You have chosen very interesting photos for each section of this blog - you have a keen graphic designer's eye - I see this talent -don't take it for granted.

Ms. Mic

PS: where is the social dialogue?

Rachel said...

Kyle this video was beautiful. I thought it was a powerful and moving interpretation of accomplishing the american dream and being able to look back on your life and be at peace with who you are and where your at. I envy your ability at taking concepts such as these and making them come to life through visuals. It makes your blog come to life so much more. Good Job!