Friday, February 29, 2008

Patrick Henry & Thomas Paine

"Give me Liberty or, give me death"
By Patrick Henry

"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the numbers of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it."

"The Crisis, No. 1"
By Thomas Paine

"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and
grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose
heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his
principles unto death."


Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine share the same motive that if you are threatened or treated wrongly while being innocent or with cruel intent that they should rebel and fight back.
These men offered their lives and knowledge; which in the long run has benefited us as a society. Because these men gave us insight, we have a different understanding of a situation and now have a different approach on how we may want to handle a similar issue in the future; this also showed how corrupt our society was as a whole. I personally think that Patrick Henry relates to George W. Bush. I think this because they both think that going into War is the best way to settle a situation, if they are unable to compromise; I personally agree. Thomas Paine in my mind represents Obama, I think this because Obama wants change and so does Paine, they both believe in fighting for what is right, but not senseless fights.

Dear Diary:
Although painful to hear the turth, we must know what is real. Although difficult to bear the truth, others must be told. Especially in a time of war when many must fight for one cause, but if no one is aware of the same cause then we are all fighting seperate battles, are we not?

Essential Question:
The American Dream offers hope by giving the people protection against outside threats. However when the barrier keeping them safe is broken one must take action to protect oneself and his family, such as enrolling in the War. Ultimatley causing intolerance to occur within the community.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Creative Writing

Chapter 1 description: Andule’ Andule’. We throw what little belongings we posses over the fence. I go first, as being the man of the family I need to be able to assist my family over if needed and in worst case scenario, I will be the first one shot. I climb to the top of the fence and with excruciating pain yell out. On the top was a roll of barbed- wire. My hand bleeding from the wound does not slow me down. Me and my eldest son Julio grab my daughter’s hand and pull her over then I grab my wife’s hand, seeing guard’s driving towards us, I hear gun shots and with all my might gather the strength to help her over. Once on the other side of the fence I look back, the guard’s are gaining on us. I spot a ditch, with no hesitation I put my daughter in my arms and tell my wife and son to follow. We are now crawling along the ditch, trying not to be seen. Rain water collects in the ditches so now we are covered in wet red clay. I know my family is having a hard time with this but I think it is the best thing for us. We come to a stopping point, exhausted we lean against the walls of what seems like prison. My throat feels like our farm in Mexico during the drought so I ask my wife for the bag and remove the canister of water, I pass it around until we each are able to wet our lips. We are not able to rest long, I realize that day break is approaching and will been seen if we flee during the day. While climbing out of the ditch I felt like I was in slow motion; the journey ahead of us was not nearly over. Reaching a deserted highway we begin to walk along it. Each one of us is holding a sign saying “Por favor isocorro!” of course we must write it in Spanish because we know nothing more but our native language. Hours of impatient waiting a Spanish man in a pickup truck pulls over and tells us to get in. We do as told, we do not ask where he is taking us, we are just grateful to have hitched a ride. The man that had picked us up introduced himself as Pedro; he was a farmer and was transporting his corn to the local markets. As we rode along in the back of this man’s pickup truck I admired all that America offered. Everything was green and luscious, technology was thriving and there was farm land all around; promising to a brighter future. I awoke to find the sun setting, the breeze had a slight chill, almost as if from the ocean. Suddenly Pedro stops the truck; I hear voices and peer around the front. I see a truck reading “Border Patrol”, apparently there was a road block ahead and they began to search the vehicles. Pedro tells us to hide under the load of corn that he had in the back. We scurry around quickly, knowing that they are approaching. My family and I are careful tucked into the pail of corn. The smell is awful, much of dry dirt, I began to feel sharp bites into my body, the bugs from the corn were biting us. I heard footsteps and my heart stop. So many things flashing through my mind at the moment, what if we are caught? Should we make a run for it? Will they kill us? Did I make the right decision? As I lay their motionless I feel movement of the corn that cover my body. Luckily they did not move much, for if they had gone any deeper they would have found my leg. I feel the truck begin to move again. A sign of relief swept across my body, we made it, and we are free. Now it is time to find land and begin to achieve the “American Dream” that every immigrant speaks of.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Nature reflects ones self. It does so by giving you a place to be one with yourself and to find who you really are. When one is influenced by outside distractions it causes you to drift away from who you are. As a child we appreciate nature, even though we do not know all the beauty it provides, but the young heart is willing to accept it. By having a innocent heart you are carefree and are willing to accept all that mother nature offers; Nature is in line with your heart and causes you to follow your heart instead of your head. This is reflected when Emerson states “The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.” This piece of literature makes me think back to when I was younger and loved to be a part of it. The young mind is able to accept it because we are less restricted and are not yet corrupted by the materialistic things in World.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Heart of Autumn

"Heart of Autumn"
By Robert Penn Warren

"Wind finds the northweat gap, fall comes.
Today, under gray cloud- scud and over gray
Wind- flicker of forest, in perfect formation, wild geese
Head for land of warm water, the boom, the leas pellet.

Some crumple in air, fall. Some stagger, recover control,
Then take the last glide for a far glint of water. None
Knows what has happened. Now, today, watching
How tirelessly V upon V arrows the season's logic,

Do I know my own story? At least, they know
When the hour comes for the great wing-beat. Sky-strider,
Star-strider--they rise, and the imperial utterance,
Which cries out for distance, quivers in the wheeling sky.

That much they know, and in their nature know
The path of pathlessness, with all the joy
Of destiny fulfilling its own name.
I have know time and distance, but not why I am here.

Path of logic, path of folly, all
The same--and I stand, my face lifted now skyward,
Hearing the high beat, my arms outstretched in the tingling
Process of transformation, and soon tough legs,

With folded feet, trail in the sounding vacuum of passage,
And my heart is impacted with a fierce impulse
To unwordable utterance--
Toward sunset, at a great height."

This piece makes me feel one with nature because the narrator is observing the birds and the formation of their flight and how ordered they are. He talks about the way that they move, as one in a pack. This is inspiring to me because I too need structure in life to have smooth sailing.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Beauty of Trees

"Beauty of Trees"
By Chief Dan George

"The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
The rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me.

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dewdrop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of the fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
and the life that never goes away,
they speak to me

And my heart soars."

This poem makes me feel at peace. It talks about every aspect of nature and how it makes the narrator feel. He is able to find himself; this poem is soothing and the message is easily conveyed through his description.