"Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element."
I chose this passage because I liked how it reflected on the environment and how appreciative they were to be living. The main point is to demonstrate the appreciation towards God and how the Puritans were able to adapt to new surroundings. This piece represents "coming to America" by conveying the struggle that the people had to endure to get to free land. I am surprised that people were able to make it to the "New Land" with the conditions they were dealing with. I find it interesting that they find that there are people living with poorer conditions then they dealt with on their journey to land. The emotion evoked through this piece is gratitude. This reflects upon my life because everyday I take for granted all the materialistic things we have as a society, and it gives me the sense that man does need to be one with nature in order to be one with themselves.
I praise you thy Lord for shielding us from all danger's that were presented to us upon our journey to the new land. Please continue to guide me so that I follow your footsteps. Keep my family safe in my absence; Amen. As I knelt upon the beach praying I looked up and saw that many were doing the same. We are so blessed to have made it through the passage without total destruction. I pray for those who became ill and those who passed during the journey. None of them more important then my family that I left home so that I could find a better life for them; I believe we have found that place. It is so pure here, no civilization, lush with plants and life; it's like a sacred land that God had planned on us to discover. I will write to you soon my dear diary, but for now I must set up camp.

I really like the diary entry that you left. It had alot of content. As for you reflection I saw a couple of issues one of which is "Of Plymouth Plantation" is not dealing with Native Americans it is actually dealing with Puritans. Another problem i saw was that in your reflection you did not really reflect on God atribut to the people which is a very big aspect of this story. But other then that it was really good and I really like your picture.
Brittany thank you for your advice, I have taken it into consideration and have adjusted my response in order for it to pertain to the Puritan age.
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