"To My Dear and Loving Husband"
by Anne Bradstreet
"If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee, give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let's so preserve
That when we live no more, we may live ever. "
I chose this passage because I thought that a very strong message of love was conveyed and I was touched by it. The main point of this passage is to reflect on how their love can never be fulfilled because they cannot be with their loved one and that they must value the time they share together because it can be stripped from them in an instant. This piece represents Native America because it shows the strength of love and how the bond can never be broken despite separation of the tribes. The heart still longs to be with the one they love. I find this passage very strong, I also find it to be quite ironic because the Indians had such desolate living conditions yet they state that "I prize thy love more than whole mines of Gold". This shows a lot to me because they chose love over wealth. Passion is evoked in this passage with the strong bond between a man and a woman. This passage is similar to my life because many people in today’s society do not value love as much as they should. I realize that I will not always be with the ones I love so I value the time spent with them now so whenever there is a time when we are apart, I always have fond memories to think back on.

Dear Diary:
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, but why must he take my most prized possession, my husband. I have not seen him in weeks, yet it feels like years. I long for his arrival, his presence, his voice, his smell, his laughter, his company. Ever since his departure I have not felt complete, he is my better half, without him I am not whole. I count the days that pass by, but reluctantly everyday I add one more to the seemingly endless time that we have been isolated from one another. One day my love will return and fill the emptiness that has consumed my soul.
"A Letter to her Husband"
by Anne Bradstreet
"Till nature's sad decree shall call thee hence; Flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone, I here, thou there, yet both but one."
Reflection: I chose this passage because it shows the power of love holding two together as one through one of the most difficult times of their lives. The main point is that the love she shares with her husband is so strong that they are inseparable and will give anything to be with each other; and how their belief in God provides them with the strength to overcome their obstacle. This represents Native America because many of the families had to obtain such a strong bond with each other in order to keep the love within the family alive. I think this passage is powerful, due to the fact that they are separated they continue to keep that loving bond within them throughout their lives. Dedication is evoked from this poem, there are many other satiable people in their tribes but they continue to hold on to the love they share. This is similar to my life because we will all have to be separated from our loved ones at one point or another and I have created that bond with my family so that it can withstand any situation.
Dear Diary:
I witness myself day by day getting older, and day by day I witness nature and it's beauty. Nature is timeless, I long to obtain its ability, instead I sit here and watch my life growing shorter and coming to... an end. If it be God's will, then I shall follow it; but shall he have a different plan arranged for me, then I will be forth coming to adjust.
"From Contemplations"
by: Anne Bradstreet
"If winter come, and greenness then doth fade,
A spring returns, and they're more youthful made.
But man grows old, lies down, remains where once he's laid.
By birth more noble than those creatures all,
Yet seems by nature and by custom cursed--
No sooner born but grief and care make fall
That state obliterate he had at first;
Nor youth, nor strength, nor wisdom spring again,
Nor habitations long their names retain,
But in oblivion to the final day remain.
Shall I then praise the heavens, the trees, the earth,
Because their beauty and their strength last longer?"
I chose this passage because you get a different perspective. Most of the time man is worshipping technology, but now, man worships God and all that it bears. The main point of this poem is to show the relationship between man and nature. Man continually ages, but nature is reborn every year and is given new life. This represents Native America because they use nature such as tree's and animal's to survive, thus they worship nature's ability to re- give. When I read this I was enlightened because this passage made me view nature's ability in a whole new perspective that I had never thought of. I find a sense of serenity is evoked, because man becomes one with nature and appreciates life without the materialistic objects. This parallels my life because I do not appreciate nature to it's full value. I need to recognize how often I use natures gift in my everyday life.

Dear Diary:
I have come to the realization that I envy Mother Nature. I know as a follower of the Lord i must never have these sinful thoughts, but it isn't crazy to think these things, right? Us humans grow old and die, but nature has a wonderful gift. Once a year the tree's and flower's shall bloom and once again they shall die, but they always seem to replenish themselves. Humans strive for eternal life, but none yet set foot on how to solve this beautiful mystery.