Sunday, February 10, 2008


Nature reflects ones self. It does so by giving you a place to be one with yourself and to find who you really are. When one is influenced by outside distractions it causes you to drift away from who you are. As a child we appreciate nature, even though we do not know all the beauty it provides, but the young heart is willing to accept it. By having a innocent heart you are carefree and are willing to accept all that mother nature offers; Nature is in line with your heart and causes you to follow your heart instead of your head. This is reflected when Emerson states “The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.” This piece of literature makes me think back to when I was younger and loved to be a part of it. The young mind is able to accept it because we are less restricted and are not yet corrupted by the materialistic things in World.

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